I AM the way, the truth and the life

I AM the way, the truth and the life
'I AM the way, the truth and the life' says Jesus Christ

Saturday, November 05, 2016

Church Crimes: Some thoughts on criminal analysis of contemporary challenges but that are in reality as old as mankind but for the first time victims of organised criminality no longer do as they are by leaders told, who do the law not respect nor peace and justice uphold and who sell even the integrity of a royal seal for a new world order across the border deal and who tell anything to anybody over a poisonous meal! By Sigrid Countess von Galen

Some thoughts on criminal analysis of contemporary challenges but that are in reality as old as mankind but for the first time
 victims of organised criminality no longer do as they are by leaders told, who do the law not respect nor peace and justice uphold and who sell even the integrity of a royal seal for a new world order across the border deal and who tell anything to anybody over a poisonous meal!

By Sigrid Countess von Galen

There is a core host but also an ever growing horizon of interdisciplinary approaches and collaboration of classic forensic sciences and newer disciplines and evolving ones. Crimes and terror challenges have become more multi-layered and complex and any assistance is appreciated that contributes to preventing crimes and attacks as well as to solve existing cases. 

Society as a whole is from Occident to Orient globally faced with local components and long established criminal links and organised criminality that are increasingly operating not just locally but also worldwide. The more we can see through their veil of silence the better we can identify their structure and patterns of a hidden and forbidden death cult shore, and can tell, when they go bust with their power lust, as no longer they can steal under a different name illegally and unblushingly many a third party letter or offer to their mercenaries in the community a bribery deal or poisoned meal!

Secret societies, including the ones that were hidden in church hierarchy and other religious and political and legal institutions and also within monastery or military infrastructures were for centuries built illegally under abuse of impunity and on their crimes hardly ever seriuosly challenged unless the build up of scandal was no longer possible to keep under lock.

Templar knights and other knights orders, freemasons, Rosecrucians, Anabaptists and other such entities infiltrated successfully vital powers and principalities and used the tools of bribery, threats and the whole spectrum of psychological and physical warfare to torture combined with organised criminality strategically under a smokescreen of religion and/or double-faced heresy.

Grand masters of secret orders were purposefully chosen from the old ruling family ranks and placed in high positions of power and all ranks were in many ways involved in community and official affairs and often made community and professional leaders, chairs, presiding judges with access to sensitive data and seals, which they then abused to blackmail even whole governments and to shadow all ongoings and workings with their own 'ghosts', who would make and bring down kings and queens of secret societies often as a dinner host. 

Many a strategic marriage was also made that way, and started via a secret society raffle draw, in which some would for lesser crimes and others for murder draw a straw on their climb of the snake ladder.

Often used as a system of increasing 'power' and advancement were the ten commandments reversed and lived out in vices! Or simply via card games or a throw of dices!

If mankind knew that they had been as human beings sold on as slaves in naves by evil bishops and criminal churchwardens, each a con, in a pew, the former and whistleblowers with a conscience might have not ended prematurely in an anonymous grave and whole hierarchies would have had themselves to behave.

We experience at the moment worldwide a last fight of and by a beast that has only its severed body still going berzerk in its downfall and destruction of its own construction of delusional and with greed and power obsessed heads and tails of secret societies that have been butchering and slaying each other for each wants an ever bigger slice of a new world order of evil and thus, all thinktanks give conflicting self-serving advice.

We live in a society that no longer can afford the silence and complacency most people chose over taking up actively their responsibility. Corruption starts in very tiny steps, and if a community stays quiet even on murder in a midst or on drug and other related silent or violent organised criminality, it was already long corrupted in unseen ways, and many were on bribery in one way or another or favours keen, and turned a blind eye even or took part even themselves in a crime against their neighbour.

What they did not realise or consider is that they are thus already part of a dangerous association and are intentfully acting in joint enterprise, often even boastingly, as the various sectet societies were thorough and reached with their tentacles even into vital agencies and emergency services and threatened or framed or falsely shamed even police officers and undercover agents, who tried to bring down this culture of abuse of impunity by a corporate vulture.

We are all asked as citizens to stand up peacefully but most effectively against the evil of organised criminality, as it is just around the corner and lingering even in a formerly decent community, and it has come to the point that even churches  and places of once community life have been infiltrated and the trust of good human beings been abused and their parishes transformed by as guardians and wardens posing and by a corrupt hierachy and often by bishopry artificially boosted 'community pillars', under abuse of political and religious authority and a seal's impunity.

Churchwardens and community figures turn into market halls of life and death the estates, and treat and groom children as commodity and secret societies have even families in various combinations strategically hidden as sleepers for crime and terror acts, or who store stolen artefacts and plot and build bombs for mass tombs behind the neighbouring wall, and who via their already in warfare trained children abuse even the school playground as training facility for an inhuman bloodhound and as prolonged arm of their computer game warzone!

Just like in Red Riding Hood's tale, not every male or female werewolf is clearly identifiable as savage beast but s/he might even pose as peace acticist and is inside a ready to strike terrorist and fascist, who has already in his pocket a whole assassination list...

Sigrid Countess von Galen

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