I AM the way, the truth and the life

I AM the way, the truth and the life
'I AM the way, the truth and the life' says Jesus Christ

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Even the top church hierarchy has to stand trial eventually for Child Sexual Abuse and more eventually, when the Victims break the silence and reveal the hell under the bell and even perpetrators with a new conscience all tell! By Sigrid Countess von Galen

The Victims and the Perpetrators know the truth! It is time for Justice, and the reality that is subject to this Inquiry and the extent of evil that is still happening under abuse of immunity also publicly to show-The Report into the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse,

By Sigrid Countess von Galen

The Victims and the Perpetrators know the truth! It is time for Justice, and the reality and extent of evil that is still happening under abuse of immunity also publicly to show, so that formerly for decades and years deemed powerful 'Untouchables' can no longer operate successfully as collective scarecrow and have to take up also individually their responsibility for their most heinous organised criminality, and in many ways and by sheer volume also qualifying as crimes against humanity!

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse is being subjected to attacks especially from the more hidden dangerous associations and silently in whispers and psychological warfare techniques and evil spiderweb strategies operating internationally operating silent elite, who do engage in all sorts of forbidden criminal, torturous and murderous joint enterprises as their 'sports', sometimes under masks and even stolen identity, and who dwell on creating for their victims an unspeakable terrifying psychological and pathological and physical hell, and who, accordingly to many a past victim's testimony, seem to draw on the delusion of the power of a silencing spell enforced via simple death threats, as for far too long the perpetrators got away with their evil crimes and threats under abuse of immunity and of impunity!

The sheer bottomless and abysmal pit of darkness in the organised abuse and other criminality of the powerful and white collar elites makes an inquiry like this almost impossible, as the enemy of justice and truth and peace might just be hiding in the very body that is supposed to protect the victims!

It is therefore of utmost importance that any notion of selfishness, arrogance, decadence and lack of integrity is from the start eradicated and absent, and the humility and willingness to serve with one's skills and gifts selflessly the truth and nothing but the truth prevails and is clearly felt and visible in the behaviour and attitudes of all those, who are part of this inquiry!

One of the reasons the perpetrators were able to get away with their organised crimes for so long is the sheer scale and extent of individuals and whole governing bodies and of society as such to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the victims in the face of often utter disbelief that such evil could even exist and to ignoring of facts like large numbers of teenagers and whistleblowers inexplicably disappearing.

No single social worker with a conscience could stand up without repercussions to persons of authority and of importance, who abused their status or to even superiors, who might have been involved themselves in abuse or its cover ups.

The Anglican and Vatican church hierarchy is standing side by side in largely on the one hand facilitating, organising and covering up not just child abuse but also in committing other organised criminality and internationally sponsoring human trafficking and extremism, involving even the abduction, illegal experimentation, illegally enforced adoptions, torture and even killing of children.

What chances do children stand, if the very people, who are supposed to protect them abuse their authority, immunity and impunity, not just via freemasonry and other secret societies with hidden sexual abuse and other criminal notorieties but also as celebrities, who are deemed to financially important to touch them for their part in crimes against humanity and organised criminality.

Those representing the victims must also be careful not to dismiss the complexity and sheer multi-layered smokescreens of the perpetrators, who often make use of every single instrument of evil against anybody, who might be able to turn on the culprits' immunity finally the table!

All members of this inquiry need to pull together in their every capacity in order to serve the truth, and the more approaches and angles of expertise the better, as such is the reality also of the crimes and the complexity of the mechanisms of power that have so far failed to bring justice for the victims!

It goes without saying that it is unacceptable that a former chair is taking advantage of all her 'employment' rights but refuses to even give oral evidence! This is a total and utter contempt for the victims and of the seriousness of their situation! It makes one wonder, whether some past keyplayers of the inquiry simply wanted to sabotage its very purpose and create delays and add in their way with their arrogance and decadence an air of sheer impossibility of ever coming to a victim focused solution and to bring healing and conclusion also for their families!


House of Commons - The work of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse - Home Affairs CommitteeYou are here: Parliament home page > Parliamentary business > Publications and Records > Committee Publications > All Select Committee Publications > Commons Select Committees > Home Affairs > Home Affairs. The work of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse Contents ...
Sigrid Countess von Galen NEC LAUDIBUS NEC TIMORE http://clemensaugustvongaleninstitute.tumblr.com  http://sigridvongalen.tumblr.com (James John Westcott House)  http://clemensaugustvongaleninstitute.blogspot.comhttp://thepeacegallery.tumblr.com  http://sigridvongalendiary.tumblr.comhttp://theinstituteforcriminologyandjustice.wordpress.com @instcrimjust @CTraumastudies @sigridvongalen

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