I AM the way, the truth and the life

I AM the way, the truth and the life
'I AM the way, the truth and the life' says Jesus Christ

Thursday, December 15, 2016

'Musicology and Gynecology were and are and never will be so far apart', said a late Prof. Maria Elisabeth Brockhoff in 1986 to me, one of her former student of old, 'when we can with making music and dancing and singing for a patient into a new life a new start without the knife of a devilish chirurgy and without the Nazi-continuation style experimentalist pick and mix oncology in the wrong faculty that was run in my time by a secret fascist society and is still in association with a murderous Hitler clone and a Hun under the diplomatic immunity of even a Josef Ratzinger priestly spy drone in disguise of a doctor and with pagan cone - By Sigrid Countess von Galen

'Musicology and Gynecology were and are and never will be so far apart', said a late Prof. Maria Elisabeth Brockhoff in 1986 to me, one of her former student of old, 'when we can with making music and dancing and singing for a patient into a new life a new start without the knife of a devilish chirurgy and without the Nazi-continuation style experimentalist pick and mix oncology in the wrong faculty that was run in my time by a secret fascist society and is still in association with a murderous Hitler clone and a Hun under the diplomatic immunity of even a Josef Ratzinger priestly spy drone in disguise of a doctor and with pagan cone - 

By Sigrid Countess von Galen

'Musicology and Gynecology were and are and never will be so far apart', said a late Prof. Maria Elisabeth Brockhoff in 1986 to me, one of her former student of old, 'when we can with making music and dancing and singing into a new life a new start without the knife of a devilish chirurgy and without the Nazi-continuation style experimentalist pick and mix oncology in the wrong faculty that was run in my time by a secret fascist society and is still in association with a murderous Hitler clone and a Hun under the diplomatic immunity of even a Josef Ratzinger priestly spy drone in disguise of a doctor and with pagan cone - 

I tell you, neither being a patient there nor a doctor with a conscience was much fun! And I was more than once poisoned and at me pointed was even a gun, because I did care about a real therapy on the way of the truth and I did dare to ask for justice for wronged patients and framed colleagues of more than one department of the university!

And I handed my findings also from others confirmed in the laboratory thankfully to more than one trusted student and friend, so that one day the evildoers and culprits, who had secretly ruled the faculties with their self-styled elite even internationally and who had imposed their hidden and largely forbidden policies and stolen even eggs from embryology  and removed from unsuspecting women needlessly wombs and ovaries, just to sell them on to some con also in a London Oratory,

I have made with my friends a secret documentary, and we reveal, who did what and where with whom from whom steal! And there are people in high places, of whom you also know well their faces, who committed with involuntarily taken eggs also from you, their organised criminality, and included and involved in that is many a German-English bishopry!

 If the public knew, what has been done under Josef Ratzinger's secret society cone criminally not just in the pew, but also with him disguised as a fake-gynecologist and oncologist and whatnot medical specialist under a stolen identity and mask, they would nevermore in any shore for a so-called elite doctor of a Catholic elite-institution ask and take every culprit also legally to task!

Or for one even in the British military, as Josef Ratzinger even abused his diplomatic immunity as the unsuspected secret Nazi prince and as the inner fascist circle Vatican hope as the leader of the fourth empire of evil via the Vatican infrastructure and numerous a silent wall monastery that harboured not just paedophiles and snipers and mercenaries but also facilitated the continuation of Mengele and Ritter experimentation on abducted children and adults, either from the Sinti and Roma and of Jewish descent or from whistleblowers, who tried like me to tell the truth about these ooerations in various nations! 

Beware, these Vatican snakes and mandrakes even bring to the musicology and theology and Germanic studies their poisonous mass wine flask, and they have a templar knight sommelier in every generation in Muenster, who keeps and fills up the bottles from a special delivery cask!

Those stories were and are reality, and I was not alone in my fight against the fascists and their evil hierarchy, and the Galen family is also helping greatly with a White Rose that is alive and well and lived the truth of many victims to tell.'

At the time, I was far too young and naive and trusting in authority, in 1986, when I had my last conversation with Prof. Brockhoff, as I assumed that everybody with honour in a university, much more in the church hierarchy, would certainly follow the same quest for truth and justice and peace and serve with their gifts and integrity society to bring about all the needed healing shifts!

I was incapable of having such concept of evil and that is, why much of what Prof. Brockhoff spoke of and hinted at, stayed locked in my heart until much later and now, and all the pieces of her many stories and warnings and remarks and hints  suddenly fall into the right places and are attached to the same faces she already implied, and with evidence of utmost highest ranks' pestilence and decadence and arrogance of an assumed masterrace of pranks and their evil that served not just the devil but simply their own greed and selfishness and lust for power and the lowest instincts of hell I also realised that she had tried to me to tell that the time will come, where we must show zero-tolerance towards every weed sower!

Prof. Maria Elisabeth  Brockhoff did not just take medicine and gynecology up out of personal interest but out of the very necessity to infiltrate the inner circles of the fascist hierarchies with like-minded colleagues, and it is very interesting indeed that exactly the latter were then framed, falsely shamed and wrongly blamed or even killed off by one secret society upcoming grand master in each faculty, be it a secret templar  knight or freemason and/or fascist paganry following mercenary!

And so were many of their truth loving and for truth on their pure quest students threatened, often in whispers, or also visibly, as the fraternities of cons were in certain faculties the ruling arrogant majority, and not just in Muenster but also in Munich and elsewhere, quite aggressive,  not surprisingly!

I urge all victims of such secret society organised criminality, be it colleagues, patients, students or friends and family to honour Prof. Maria Elisabeth Brockhoff's memory and to stand up internationally and locally in all ways peacefully but creatively and most effectively, for some it might be also vocally, to every secret society and evil hierarchy and to expose the hidden and forbidden organised criminality, in which a minority of so-called academic elite overdose. 

These often secretly or even openly Vatican or by other churches and their inner circles sponsored fraternities hold back or steal truth and spread wrong history and falsefied material instead of the truth and they make sure via their sponsorship schemes and networks whistleblowers have unspeakable torture or the death of their loved ones to endure! 

The ordeal of a Clemens August von Galen has remained the same and we are now in the third and fourth generation, and still are subjected to the kill and are being presented even as taxpayers with the churches bribery expenses' and blackhole money bill, and with their fraudulent heretical heresies and their systems of criminal hierarchy under diplomatic immunity. It is high time to revoke Josef Ratzinger's impunity, and to end a theology that curses in disguise and teaches bishops black magic and how to cause a heart attack and stroke undetectedly!

And I have been told amongst many other secrets that my own eggs have been stolen without my knowledge in unnecessary laparascopies and operations from my ovaries in Muenster as well, and I would like this hell to share, as I do lovingly care for my anonymous children, who have been created via artificial insemination and many a bishop's sperm without my knowledge and certainly without my permission via many a secret society mother in old Nazi artficial insemination programme that is in many a nation secretly and illegally continued, accordingly to whistleblowers from more than one former bishopry, who finally obeyed their conscience.

This reads like a bad novel and like a bad nightmare but it is a reality that Prof. Maria Elisabeth Brockhoff did also uncover and in parts was able to document and pass on, so that one day not just my story could be not just heard but also the children be freed from their isolation and from their enforced station in a surreal life of an artificially created most cruel fable. 

The children scream in many a dream for their mother, and I sincerely hope that they can cope until even the last of the secret knowledge bearer can no longer oppressing their conscience in this matter cope, and forfeits his free supply of bribery, property and dope and does finally help the MI5 and every relevant agency with them around the globe to confess his mess and closes down his Vatican Fascist hierarchy   and sandcastle building society that also runs other religions and finances secretly other denominations' network of terrorist mercenaries and para-militaries internationally to spread anarchy simply in order to distract from their organised criminality.

Only via abuse of diplomatic immunity could the Vatican keep up this network of evil unchallengedly and under impunity and it is high time that the diplomatic community with integrity stood up to this kind of abuse of authority!

I personally walk on the path free of wrath of Jesus Christ, which is with the truth in my heart and with the peace that comes with the justice via the facts released about most unholy and outright criminal acts of an inner circle fascist hierarchy that rules secretly via many a virtual or physical war and whoremongery society and company, mainly by appealing to greed and lust and by encouraging to commit crimes like stealing but also fraud and murder, depending on the climb and degree on the top.

And Cardinal Clemens August von Galen did also many a hint drop not just about many a laboratory of continued Nazi experimentation but also on many an oratory that only did pose as a shrine but that in reality was the black rose HQ of some boar swine fraternity, that still drinks fake cups of kindness with wine that brings before painful death also blindness, and tht keeps certain documents at the bottom of Loch Ness!

Josef Ratzinger, haven't you got more to confess also about that particular monecular and solar shore?! It is no longer a question of poetry or reality, as you are long subject of numerous a hidden and not just a secret agency investigation and not all the agents and officers you deemed murdered as your loose ends by your para-military mercenaries or secret societies are dead but lived to share the unspeakable facts of your organised criminality in the real, of truth, bread!

 And they would never ever accept your Iona Mead, nor the Prince of Wales your poisoned charcoal incense anymore in your shore inhales! Time to admit to your evil deeds and heretical creeds and your weeds and to your Mother Mary evil fairy and demoness facts instead of teaching your pagan slanderous and murderous tales of blasphemy - as let's face it: You are not exactly an example of holy monogamy nor of blessed voluntary celibacy but that of a secret fascist prince of hell and Satanist, who wanted in Kew not just a recruit botanist and convert after a concert make into a paedophile pervert! That was a big mistake, and these kind of testimonies against you are more than ample and not at all new! Josef Ratzinger, you did the longest time unchallengedly on decency and on kindness and truth and justice and peace and human dignity for humanity trample! 

And I finish my prayer that such a strayer from the law of the one good God will not go unpunishedly!


And Prof. Brockhoff was often described as a warmhearted, kind, most interesting and extremely intelligent and educated lady with her very own style. Of course, her every enemy, would try her brilliance and versatility and integrity to defy and dismissed her as simply 'eccentric' and 'blowing things out of proportion'. Funny, how history repeats itself, when the same truth portion is challenged of every university's most secret bookshelf, and her successors and students and friends, to whom she passed her torch find themself also with this description, when spilling the beans with creative out of the box means about the same secret hierarchy, who still is out the whistleblowers to be killing. The MI5 certainly has of some thankfully alive their fill!

And from heaven a Prof. Brockhoff and a Prof. Henningsen together beam and say to their students::'it worked! We have reached them in their dream! Now they can release, what we entrusted to them at the right time into the subconsciousness stream - and truth as reality has become our shared theory! Thanks be to God, now we can heal humanity with all others as sisters and brothers and fathers and mothers eternally for free without a compromise as a deal, and we simply don't let the evil hierarchies anymore in any shore into our cards look nor our thoughts corrupt nor steal!'


@WWU_Muenster @WDR_NRW Wie gern denke ich an die Seminare mit Frau Prof Maria Brockhoff im kleinen Pavillion zurueck.

Sequenzen. Frau Prof. Dr. Maria Elisabeth Brockhoff zum 2.4.1982, gewidmet von Schülern, Freunden und Kollegen. Beiträge zur westfälischen Musikgeschichte. Heft 17

Münster, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Seminar für Musikwiss. Hagen : v.d. Linnepe, 1982.
Ill., graph. Darst., 331 S., 21 cm, kart. 

Rücken etwas lichtrandig, sonst guter Zustand. 

[Schlagwörter:  Musik ]

Artikel-Nr.: 52548



Monday, December 12, 2016

Fwd: From Muenster to London and around the world, the reason Operation Scooter is to many a liability, is the high treason in every country of freemasonry and the organised criminality of a Vatican and Anglican and Lutheran threefold twisted inner circle's fascist hierarchy, who abused for all sorts of crimes against humanity their immunity, By Sigrid Countess von Galen

From Muenster to London and around the world, the reason Operation Scooter is to many a liability, is the high treason in every country by freemasonry and via the organised criminality of a Vatican and Anglican and Lutheran threefold twisted inner circle's fascist hierarchy, who abused for all sorts of crimes against humanity their immunity, and who sponsored numerous a terrorist and mercenary with an assassin's creed with nothing but greed and a taste for blood as motivation in every nation, and I am for negotiations in no mood! Surrender, ye institutional lawbenders  and chronic offenders, you know, who you are! And there are children waiting, who know and do about their fate very much care!

By Sigrid Countess von Galen

And a Professor Maria Brockhoff does all tell in her expert witness in the heavenly judgement court and breaks even posthumously a certain Brisse and Kramm black magic spell und pfeift Herrn Ratzinger mal so richtig ihr Gutachten auf dem Dudelsack und seinem Striegelkamm im Schlaf als Teil seiner ewigen Straf, und laesst seine faschistischen Sandhochburgen seiner Theologenprofessorenstationen zusammenkrachen, denn weit offen sind nun alle Risse!

'Mr Ratzinger has his own created horror stories one day in the dock to share for his crimes against humanity', says also a late Professor Maria Brockhoff from heaven. And she adds:'I cared to share some of them with my students and friends and recorded testimonies, when I studied on top of musicology also gynecology just to gather evidence for the secret society freemasonry and templar knights Vatican fascist pestilence internationally! And Herr Ratzinger is on top of the list of criminals against humanity and has blood on his hands not just from Jewish victims but also especially of Roma and Sinti women and mothers, and that is why he apologising to them not bothers! But with the boasting and toasting of the secret society fascist choral network of a Herma Kramm one has quickly even black on white notes also the whole secret laboratory and gene experimentation and illegal forced and purposeful artificial insemination and murderous pseudo-clinical studies Vatican organisation via a Professor Brisse at hand, who wore secretly a devil's weddingband und nicht nur ihre Reputation kriegt noch nachtraeglich Risse und zurueck von ihren Laboranten ihre giftigen Schlangenbisse! Und das nicht nur in einem Erasmus und anderen katholischen Studentenaustauschprogrammen in jeder Nation!'

Lily James originally shared:

Did Joseph Ratzinger use his last moments as a pope to say 'sorry' to the Holocaust victims amongst the Sinti and Roma, and did he grant the survivors or families an audience, at least in the end? After all, miracles do happen. But not in the Vatican, it seems. Maybe, one day, when God finally puts wrong right and ends the longest and most unholy fight with His might.


Posted By Blogger to  The Galen Legacy on 2/07/2015 11:01:00 pm

